Summit Network Group (SNG) is the international business chamber of the G500 Private Investment Group (www.gabm-pinc.com).

SNG was founded in response to the need of entrepreneurs and businesses to gain access to vital corporate resources that will significantly accelerate their financial, intellectual and business growth. 

Constituting a robust private corporate network organization, SNG specializes in the negotiation and facilitation of international venture capital funding, industry specific corporate advisory services as well as viable business and project opportunities, on behalf of its associate members, through SNG’s extensive global intellectual infrastructure. 

By empowering entrepreneurs with specific corporate resources, we believe that this will serve as a catalyst to attain our defined core function of establishing successful and sustainable entrepreneurial development, yet simultaneously supports sustainable global economic growth. 

With our sound reputation of bringing together entrepreneurs and businesses with various corporate resources, we are now in the process of expanding our successful business model by establishing independent SNG international franchises and SNG regional agencies in virtually every country of the world. 

  • Is a well-structured association of driven professionals and entrepreneurs who share the same corporate values, vision, mission and goals. 
  • Supports and promotes the principle of sharing structured corporate intellectual capital and corporate expertise and resources amongst associate members. 
  • Creates an environment that stimulates associate members’ – financial, intellectual and business – growth. 
  • Creates an environment of trust, loyalty and integrity, which fosters entrepreneurial activity of the highest standard. 
  • Recognizes an individual’s professional stature through the granting of associate membership. 
  • Is exclusive and sought after as a result of its integrity and professional standards. 
  • Creates an environment to fulfill corporate, moral and social responsibilities and aspirations. 
  • Actively develops and supports entrepreneurial activity and associate member growth. 
  • Consists of various and multi-disciplined professional individuals and entrepreneurs, and is governed by its own Constitution and stringent Code of Conduct & Ethics. 

The vision of SNG 

The vision of SNG is to become the largest and most resourceful international business chamber that subscribes to a vision of establishing successful and sustainable entrepreneurial development, and thus is committed to contributing to a healthy and prosperous global economy. 

The mission of SNG 

The mission of SNG is to: 
  • Improve and stimulate corporate and entrepreneurial activities by supporting and bringing together international venture capital funders, industry specific corporate advisory specialists with associate members’ viable business and/or projects opportunities. 
  • Create an environment of trust, loyalty, integrity and respect conducive to the sharing of corporate resources amongst associate members. 
  • Provide a platform where associate members can find business partners they can trust and to embrace policies to ensure effective and successful interaction between members. 
  • Facilitate and provide associate members with solutions to corporate challenges to accelerate their individual financial, intellectual and business growth. 

The goals of SNG are: 
  • To establish independent but associated SNG international franchises and SNG regional agencies in virtually every country of the world to expand and support SNG’s vision and objectives. 
  • To increase SNG’s global associate membership of business leaders, visionary entrepreneurs, corporates and corporate intellectuals, venture capitalists and investment bankers, to enhance the value of, and expand on, the effectiveness and sustainability of the corporate network association. 

SNG is unique and unrivalled in several ways. SNG, best described as a corporate auction house, ascribes its success to a simple yet effective philosophy: 

  • The pooling of resources of like-minded individuals who adhere to core principles not only accelerates the creation of individual wealth, but also accelerates all associate members’ professional, intellectual and business growth.
These principles and their results are: 
  • All associate members are professionals in their own right 
– to ensure integrity and specialized expertise within the Group. 
  • All projects are provided by associate members 
– to limit the risk associated with the unknown and speed up the decision-making process. 
  • All professional services to approved projects are provided by associate members 
– to secure absolute commitment and dedication and retain wealth within the Group. 
  • All financing or capital projects are facilitated through the Group and/or associate members 
– to control financing costs and increase profitability. 
  • The coordination of activities, project management and support services are provided by the Group 
– to lock in efficiencies. 

This means: 
  • The substantial intellectual capital, strategic planning abilities, corporate alliances and the unique methodologies of SNG, combined with the pooling of corporate resources, knowledge, experience and skills of associate members, as well as their level of commitment, participation, interest and involvement, turns entrepreneurial ideas, consulting, business and project opportunities effectively and successfully into profitable, viable and sustainable businesses. 
The result is: 
  • Acceleration of associate members’ wealth, as well as their professional, intellectual and business growth. 

The relationship between SNG and its associate members is one of mutual benefit. SNG provides associate members indirect access (use value) into its global intellectual infrastructure that enables them to turn business and project opportunities into successful and sustainable business entities. 

In turn, the associate members provide the Group with valuable and extensive industry specific corporate advisory services. SNG’s success is a direct result of its corporate concept which brings together international venture capital funding, industry specific corporate advisory services as well as viable business and project opportunities in a unique and dynamic way. 

We believe a specific project must be linked to a specific funder and to industry specific corporate advisory services in order to succeed. It is this unique business model, structure and strategic planning abilities of SNG that effectively turn development opportunities into profitable and sustainable business entities. 

Concept Structure 

SNG acts as facilitator and negotiator in bringing together the three essential components of venture capital financing and project development – international venture capital funding, industry specific corporate advisory services as well as viable business and project – in a unique and dynamic manner. 

Through the effective business modeling structures and strategic planning abilities of the Group, opportunities are created. 

The result is that entrepreneurial ideas, consulting, business and project opportunities are effectively and successfully turned into profitable, viable and sustainable businesses.


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