SNG has embarked on a membership offering inviting business leaders, visionary entrepreneurs, corporate intellectuals, venture capitalists, investment angels, project brokers and investment bankers who comply with the respective Membership Criteria, and who can add value to the collective, to apply for associate membership. 

Invited professional individuals, who identify themselves with the corporate practices and values of SNG, are invited to apply for exclusive associate membership. Application for associate membership should be in accordance with the membership application procedure, which is fully explained on the ‘Subscription’ section of this website. 

In return, professionals will benefit from associate membership in accordance with SNG’s array of membership objectives. 

No membership fees are shared or distributed between associate members for successfully introducing new associate members to SNG. 


Through the negotiation and facilitation of SNG, associate members have access to the following array of valuable services and recourses: 

1. Associate Membership 

SNG provides selected individuals the opportunity to subscribe as associate members, allowing access to its comprehensive intellectual infrastructure to benefit financially, intellectually and professionally. Read more… 

2. International venture capital funding 

SNG has direct access to funding syndicates, venture capital funders and investment angels. Through the negotiation and facilitation services provided by SNG, associate members have access to the following: 
  • Access to international venture capital funding. 
  • Access to additional funding for Institutional Funds. 
  • Funding opportunities available to venture capitalists and investment angels. 
  • Access to merger and acquisition funding and professional expertise. 
  • Access to import and export finance and/or payment guarantees. 
3. Viable business and project opportunities 

SNG has direct access to international business brokers, project brokers and investment bankers. Through the negotiation and facilitation services provided by SNG, associate members have access to the following: 
  • Exposure to high-profile and lucrative new global business, project opportunities and speculation transactions for development or trading purposes. 
  • Exposure to new markets for products and/or services. 
  • Access to global partnership and consortium opportunities.  
  • Access to global corporate opportunities.  
4. Industry specific corporate advisory services 

SNG has direct access to industry specific corporate advisory services through selected professional individuals, business leaders and executives, visionary entrepreneurs and corporate intellectuals. Through the negotiation and facilitation services provided by SNG, associate members have access to the following: 
  • Industry specific corporate advisory services available to entrepreneurs.  
  • Access to entrepreneurial and/or business support. 

SNG requires efficiency, sustainability and effectiveness in order to be successful. The responsibility thereof is equally shared between the Group and its associate members. 

· Efficiency 

The responsibility of providing the necessary intellectual infrastructure that ensures the efficiency of the corporate network association is that of SNG. 

· Sustainability and effectiveness 

The responsibility to ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of the corporate network association is that of the associate members. Every associate member has the obligation to assist in the organic growth of the corporate network association by introducing individuals, and business opportunities or projects that will add value to the collective. 

No membership fees are shared or distributed between associate members for successfully introducing new associate members to SNG. 

Thus, associate members have the privilege of being able to choose associate members and projects they want to be associated with. 

Associate members generally view their membership very seriously concerning membership referrals and project submissions for development and/or funding purposes. This is evident in our rapid expansion. 


Professional individuals who identify themselves with the corporate practices and values of SNG are invited to apply for exclusive associate membership. Associate membership in SNG is subject to its Membership Criteria, addressed in its Constitution. 

For an applicant to become an associate member, he should: 
  • Familiarize yourself with SNG’s information.
  • Familiarize yourself with SNG’s ‘Constitution’. 
  • Complete the ‘Membership Application Form’. 
  • Await assessment and acceptance by SNG. SNG will provide the applicant with an ‘Acceptance Letter’ that contains the applicable banking details. 
  • Pay the first annual membership fee of $500 (five hundred US Dollar). 
  • Provide SNG with a proof of payment. 
  • Upon receipt of the membership fee, the associate member’s details will be entered in the ‘Member Register’. 
  • The associate member will be provided with a ‘Welcome Letter’ containing his membership number. 
Should any of the information or contact details on the associate member’s original ‘Membership Application Form’ change, he should inform SNG, in writing, as soon as possible. 

General Disclaimer 

Kindly note that all membership benefits and opportunities available and/or provided to associate members are strictly subject to availability as well as the rules, regulations, policies, principles, procedures and the Constitution of SNG. In addition to the aforesaid, associate membership participation is subject to the laws, by-laws and regulations of the applicable associate member’s country of citizenship or residence and/or where an associate member may choose to conduct business.


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