
As associate members, we strive to uphold SNG’s high standards of credibility, integrity and achievements. 

As associate members, we recognize our obligations to one another, as expressed in this Code. 

This document – SNG’s Code of Conduct & Ethics – addresses the ways in which associate members of this corporate network association are expected to conduct themselves to bring into practice its vision, mission and goals. 

As associate members, we recognize that adherence to SNG’s Constitution and this Code is a condition of associate membership. 

As associate members of SNG, we aim to create a climate and opportunities for associate members to voice genuine concerns about actions or decisions they perceive to be unethical. 

SNG’s Chief Executive Officer is responsible for initiating and supervising the investigation of all breaches of this Code as well as ensuring, where necessary, that the appropriate disciplinary steps are taken. 

Membership Interaction 

As associate members of the Group, we shall at all times: 
  • Deal fairly, honestly and with utmost integrity. 
  • Promote and maintain a high ethical standard of conduct. 
  • Contribute to creating a climate that will enable us to achieve our respective goals and objectives. 
  • Refrain from any business activity that is not consistent with the Group’s Constitution and/or this Code. 
  • Conduct business in a manner that is professional and in accordance with good corporate governance and sound entrepreneurial practice. 
  • Introduce and accept individuals as associate members only if they comply with the criteria for associate membership. 
  • Accept venture capital only from certified subscribed sources. 
  • Accept and participate only in certified and quantifiable projects for investment and development purposes. 
  • Respect information from associate members as being confidential – in order to maintain and build trust and confidence in one another. 
  • Contribute to associate members’ growth by sharing valuable information, experience, resources and strategic alliances. 
  • Refrain from taking improper advantage of our position to the disadvantage of others under any circumstances. 
  • Promote the Group in the global community. 
  • Contribute to the Group’s objectives and growth. 
Global Corporate Relations 

As associate members of the Group, we shall at all times: 
  • Respect the traditions, cultures and laws of each country in which we operate. 
  • Act responsibly in all international trade, project developments and investments. 
  • Be able to objectively justify all project developments and investments. 
  • Favor consistent procedures among agencies and associate members when operating in countries where business practices differ from our own. 
  • Work for multilateral action aimed at achieving common goals. 
  • Refrain from any unlawful business activities or practices. 
Environmental & Social Development and Training & Educational Sponsorships 

As associate members of the Group, we shall at all times: 
  • Concern ourselves with the conservation of the environment in the broadest sense. 
  • Recognize that certain natural resources are finite and must be used responsibly and sustainably. 
  • Limit the use of finite resources in all business ventures. 
  • Responsibly manage the buildings and the land we occupy, manage waste responsibly, and use energy efficiently. 
  • Contribute to the economic well-being and social development of the countries and communities in which we conduct business. 
  • Where viable and appropriate, support communities by involving associate members of those communities in training and educational sponsorships.


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